
4 Operating Systems Modders Have Managed to Run on Android

Windows 95


A recent story has hit the headlines that I think makes a great start point for this topic. A 16 year old modder has managed to get Windows 95 to run on a smart watch, and whilst it doesn’t exactly run that well, it still boots up. Obviously there isn’t much use here, but it shows the oomph smart watches have inside of them.


Whilst Canonical is trying their hardest to get the Ubuntu phone to the masses, many Android modders have already worked out how to get Ubuntu on their devices. There are dozens of tutorials explaining how to get Ubuntu on an Android phone or tablet, and in the video above, you can learn how to run Ubuntu 13.10 on Android.

Windows XP


Smart watch hardware is far inferior to new tablets and smartphones, so if a modder has managed to get Windows 95 on their smart watch, it only makes sense that somebody else has figured out how to get Windows XP on their smartphone. This video shows viewers how to get Windows XP on their own Android devices, but as expected, it doesn’t run all that smoothly. However, I think it’s pretty impressive that some individuals have managed to get Windows XP to run on Android regardless.

Sailfish OS

Whilst this isn’t as impressive as other entries on the list, there are a few operating systems out there that have been designed to be compatible with Android devices. Sailfish is one such operating system, and developers working on apps for the system can download the Sailfish OS from the Jolla website.


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