Gaming Keyboards with a good gaming mouse are a must-have for PC gaming. Over the years, computer technology has evolved exponentially with modifications and even replacements to many traditional technologies. The typical Mouse happens to remain as important and as ir-replaceable as it ever was.
No doubt, there have been many advances in mice too, but none of the new features tend to remain the same throughout, except for the scroll wheel. Manufacturers have put a tremendous effort to fulfill demands of customers and also to keep up with the competition.
In this post we have collected 5 best gaming mouse manufactured by different companies. You should also check best gaming keyboards and best gaming desktops.
1. The Logitech G9x Gaming Mouse
The Logitech G9x Gaming Mouse is no doubt the best gaming mouse one can have with regard to price/performance ratio. This mouse is bundled with awesome features. It fits in your hand perfectly and also you can adjust weights according to your personal preferences. It also offers various covers and grips for sweaty hands apart from the two basic covers already included in the package.
You don’t need drivers to change the sensitivity of the fly, but if you install them you’ll be able to tweak the mouse to your needs, create profiles for applications that are detected automatically, change the color of the status LEDs which indicate current sensitivity level. The side buttons are well placed and can be used to go back and forth in a browser. It is also installed with “Dark Field” technology provided by Logitech which is the only technology in the world which allows a mouse to work on glass.
Price: $64.99 | Buy Now
2. Microsoft Sidewinder X5
Microsoft stepped off the trend of making mundanely designed devices with this cool looking Mouse. This device offers all the functions necessary for a gaming mouse. You can modify the weight, adjust the sensitivity on the fly. It has a laser sensor (2000 DPI), customizable buttons and user defined macros. All this can be done by using the bundled Microsoft software.
Price: $29.95 | Buy Now
3. The Logitech Performance Mouse MX
The Logitech Performance Mouse MX features dark field Tracking, which is the only technology in the world which allows mices to work on glass. The Mouse is wireless and requires a micro USB cable to recharge through your computer or a standard wall socket USB charger, even while you are using it so that you don’t have to quit playing the games when battery runs out.
Also, the wireless receiver is tiny – allowing you to go mobile without any difficulty. This Logitech gaming mouse sports seven buttons in all, with stealth thumb controls for rapid-fire web browsing, application switching, zooming and more.
Price: $70.68 | Buy Now
4. Razer Naga Laser Gaming Mouse
The Razer Naga Gaming Mouse with its brilliant curves and backlit buttons, is by far the best looking mouse available in the marketing. The lighting arrangement is quite sublime with the mouse wheel, the macro buttons and of course the all important logo lit well with soothing blue color. One of the most important feature of Razer Naga Laser Gaming Mouse is the wide range of 17 buttons which are very sensitive and well precised.
Price: $65.00 | Buy Now
5. A4Tech 3xFire XL-750F
To end this mouse show we present you the A4Tech 3xFire XL-750F which is the cheapest of the gaming mices we introduced. The main gaming feature of this mouse is that it fires three times in the game when you only click once. It does not need a driver and features 6 DPI switch button with Color Indication 600-800-1200-1600-2000-2500DPI all hardware integrated. The design is nice and sleek, lines are clean and fits in hand rather nice.
Price: $31.03 | Buy Now
You can also check our posts about Best Gaming desktops and best Mac OSX games.
Jdizzle says
Name on the Razer mouse is wrong…
TwoZero says
Are you talking about the Naga or the Lachesis? the image is a naga, but you mention both…
Kyle G says
Wait, 5 laser mice the top 5 gaming mice. Author, are you so ignorant to ignore that all laser mice have 5% positive acceleration (atleast) built into the sensor. This means that ALL laser mice are HORRENDOUS for gaming?. The only gaming mice worth purchasing are the Razer Deathadder (and equivalent 3g optical razer mice), The CM Storm Spawn, The MX518 (heavy prediction) and Zowie Mico (also heavy prediction).
Dan says
I have the Death Adder. So…no need to “upgrade” huh?
Anonymous says
That’s a Razer Naga, not a Lachesis. Your link is correct, though.
Robert says
Razer Naga is crap. The reviewer has obviously never owned one. I’ve had two, and they both went unresponsive in 3 months. After reading reviews, this is a common occurance.
Josh jones says
i have had one for a year now and it still works fine maybe you shouldn’t rage so hard and slam your mouse around and it will work fine
Seriously says
“Mice” is already plural. No need to call them “mices”.
Hippo says
It should actual be Mouse since mouse refers to the acronym manually operated user select equipment. Since equipment is by definition already a plural, no need to add an S. Using mice is always incorrect regardless.
Vince says
The picture of the Logitech MX is actually of an MX Revolution. The mouse you link to and describe is a Performance Mouse MX.
Darkstone says
What do all these mice have in common..they are all right handed mice, its annoying how i see these top mice lists and its always one that are right handed….
Tony says
Top 5 Gaming Mice? aww how cute.
lysouires says
Why wasn’t the R.A.T 7/9 mouse mentioned. It’s the transformer of gaming mice and is sexy.
tom says
No R.A.T. mouse? I gotta call shenanigans on this article. Bollocks I say!
Marius says
Obviously this guy never heard about
Jared says
I own the g9 and MX (rev) love both but the mx had some lag (even when right next to the wireless adapter) that made gaming difficult. Even so, it was probably the most comfortable mouse I’ve ever used.
victor says
what about R.A.T 9/7??????
Ito says
You got my hopes up that they brought back the thumb wheel on the MX…That is the only reason I haven’t upgraded from my MX Revolution.
Ben says
For the Logitech mice, the laser is just named “Darkfield” Laser, it’s not any kind of “dark field technology”. Don’t confuse your readers by implying any kind of non-optical sensor tech.
The Logitech MX picture is wrong.
Also, Darkfield isn’t the only laser that can track on glass. I’m pretty sure Microsoft’s blue lasers can as well.
Uzair says
@Ito, @Vince, I have fixed it. Sorry if it caused any confusions.
Bhanu Ahluwalia says
@Ben: The author is right, Darkfield is a Tracking technology developed by Logitech. They have incorporated this technology in a few of their products, hence the names. Here is a link for more info
Perhaps you should read before going on flying hateful comments.
Mark Brockman says
Pro gamers use optical cheapo Microsoft mice. Set at 600ish dpi. For realz.
DestryLP says
Look at the Corsair M90. Nuff Said.
T1nmaN says
I have broke so many Logitech mice it’s ridiculous!
I had a Razer Copperhead that I had for 2 years that was good, and now I’m on year 3 of my Steelseries Ikari Laser that I just love!
Buying a mouse is such a personal decision that you can’t just buy from a top 5 or 10 list. You should see how they feel in your hands before purchase.
Steelseries for the win!
Everest says
I don’t see me a Cyborg R.A.T. 7!
rod says
microsoft sidewinder ftw, had mine for six years and still going strong.