
How to install Bada 2.0 on Samsung Wave II S8530

Samsung Wave II is a good phone with features like 5mp camera with LED Flash, 3.7’’ capacitive touchscreen, 3G, Front facing Camera, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi etc. But the operating system, Bada 1.2 is not so good considering the hardware of the mobile phone. We have all heard the news about Bada 2.0 update from Samsung, but they didn’t came up with the Official Bada 2.0 and I don’t see them coming up with it anytime soon. There is some good news though, the Unofficial version of the OS is already out and is successfully being run on the device. Some of the main features of Bada 2.0 are:

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Picture worth a thousand words, right? Here are some screenshots of the new Bada 2.0 running on Samsung Wave II:

Bada 2 on Samsung Wave 2

Bada 2.0 Operating system running on Samsung's Wave II

bada os 2 wave 2

Centralized Settings and Voice Recorder in Bada 2.0 OS

Here is how you will be able to install Bada 2.0 on your brand new (or old) Samsung Wave II mobile phone.

First of all you need to download: Bada 2.0 firmware and Multiloader 5.65.

  1. Backup all your files and contacts on the PC using Samsung Kies.
  2. Now Switch off your phone and remove Sim Card and Memory Card.
  3. Make sure your phone’s battery is fully charged.
  4. Prepare Mini USB cable for connecting PC with mobile phone (do not connect the phone yet).
  5. Press volume key down + lock key + power button.Your phone is now in download mode.
  6. Connect the phone with your PC using Mini USB cable.
  7. Wait for your system to detect the connected device.
  8. Once the device is connected, run Multiloader v5.65.
  9. Select LSI, tick Boot Change then tick Full Download.
  10. Click Boot and select “Boot Files”. All these files and folders are inside the package you downloaded above.
  11. Click AMSS and select “amss.bin” file.
  12. Click APPS and select “apps_compressed.bin”.
  13. Click RSRC1 and select “Rsrc_S8530_Open_Europe_Common.rc1”.
  14. Click RSRC2 and select “Rsrc2_S8530(Mid).rc2”.
  15. Click FACTORY FS and select “FactoryFs_S8530_Open_Europe_Common.ffs”.
  16. Click CSC and select “”.
  17. Click SHP button and select “”.
  18. Leave the FOTA, TUNE, ETC, PFS unchanged. See the image below.
  19. Now Click Port Search and it will detect your device, if not then connect your phone in any other port and search again.
  20. After it detects your device, Click Download button and you will see download in progress.
  21. During flashing, the phone will restart several times. There is no need to be worried.
  22. Once the download is completed, you can unplug your device and enjoy Bada 2.0 on your Samsung Wave II.

As this is not the Official Bada 2.0, there are some bugs as is to be expected. After Flashing your device you need to change some setting to avoid some hiccups in the user experience. To avoid some of these problems, you just have to follow these few steps:

  1. Go to PreConfig by pressing *#5239870*# on your phone’s keypad.
  2. Select “Pre Config”.
  3. Password is *#27236*#.
  4. And select “DBT”.
  5. Now your phone will restart again.
  6. After restarting this is the last step you must do: dial *#33284*# and select debug level to “low”.
  7. Your phone will restart again and maybe the language is changed too. Change the language back to English and your are done.

Congratulations, you have now successfully installed Bada 2.o operating system on your Wave II mobile phone.

Bonus Tip: How to change the default Theme.

  1. First of all, download the themes you like for your phone. Make sure the extension is “.smt”. A simple google search will land you 10’s of themes for Bada 2.0.
  2. Download STune.
  3. Connect your phone with your PC in Kies mode (Kies is necessary for Drivers, otherwise your computer will not recognise your phone).
  4. Now start STune and select Samsung Mobile USB Modem.
  5. Select Browser Tab.
  6. Now select AppEx, it will expand like a tree.
  7. Select User > Theme > Download. See the image below
  8. Now Drag  “.smt” file to the RHS of the Stune (under Files section).
  9. Unplug the device and go to Settings > Display > Theme.
  10. You will see new themes that you just added, apply the desired theme and enjoy.

Let us know how it went. If you face any problems, don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments below.

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