After the Internet Explorer 9 was launched for official download, a lot of users complained about issues with the internet explorer 9. Most of the users experienced a totally weird issue. Whenever they tried to open their browser, a pop up box appeared with the following error message “Internet explorer has stopped working”. The window will then close the program and will notify you that a solution is available. Once you close or choose to look for the available answers, this error will guide you into a non-ending loop, without a chance of closing or ending it. No matter what you do (or even sometimes reinstalling the internet explorer may not work) the pop up will keep on displaying the same error message. Even if you use task manager, the pop up will not stop and will keep on displaying the same message, the only remedy is to restart windows.
This is could be a nightmare. If this is what you have been experiencing then here are some solutions:
By Using System Tools
- Once you started experiencing the error message restart your windows 7.
- Once the window 7 is restarted again, open you internet explorer 9 browser again.
- Now, click on the start button.
- Now in the start menu click on All Programs
- From the program list look for Accessories
- From the accessories list look for the system tools and open it.
- From the system tools menu choose the internet explorer (no addons). This will solve the problem if it may have been aroused due to some incompatible addon installed with the internet explorer.
This issue can also be solved by another method.
By Using Software Rendering
Some of these issues can also be tracked by another method that is by using this network and sharing center tweak.
- Go to network and sharing center by typing network and sharing in the search box.
- In the menu opened look for the internet options at the left hand bottom corner of the dialogue box. Click on the internet option and open it. Alternately you can also open internet options from you browser also, if its working. Click on the right top settings button to open drop down menu, from it select internet options in case if your browser is still working.
- From the internet option, look for the advance tab and click on to open.
- In advance tab settings look for the accelerated graphics. This is actually the first option from above.
- In the accelerated graphic check the box stating “Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering”.
- Click on apply button to apply this setting to your browser.
- Then click on OK to complete the setting.
This tweak has been quite useful in solving these issues. This issue may crop up in the internet explorer either due to some software rendering issues or some incompatible addon interfering with the internet explorer, which is quite possible as the internet explorer is yet to solve compatibility issues with some of the addons. These techniques can be helpful in solving all these issues and thus making your browsing experience with IE9 more encouraging.
joseph says
Thanks for this post,i will try that.